Backyard Sessions: A Hands-On Approach to Conservation
Here at Kiwicare, we have a passion for preserving New Zealand's biodiversity and ensuring that our native birdsong continues to resonate throughout our beautiful landscapes. That's why we're thrilled to announce that the entire month of March is dedicated to shining a spotlight on our commitment to the environment, community impact, and making our place a better place.
As part of our mission to be plant, pest, and weed experts, we're excited to introduce our Backyard Sessions. These sessions embody our vision of having a tool for every job and a hero in every backyard. Throughout March, our team will be rolling up their sleeves and spending the day out and about in New Zealand, using our tools to solve environmental issues close to our hearts.
In Auckland, you'll find us at the tranquil Puhunui Stream, while in Christchurch, we'll be at the picturesque Mugford Reserve. These areas are relatively new restoration sites, just beginning their protection journeys. It's an exciting opportunity for our people to witness firsthand what it takes to set up a biodiversity restoration project and ensure its thriving success through ongoing maintenance. It also provides our team with perspective on how the products we create, the passions that we have and the work that we do translates into the real world.
Our staff will be involved in a mix of engaging activities including:
- Education: We’ll be learning about the importance of biodiversity and conservation efforts from a series of industry expert guest speakers.
- Plant Rescue: We’ll be working alongside experts, councils and restoration and protection groups to get hands-on with rescuing native plants and contributing to ecosystem restoration.
- Predator Monitoring and Control: We’ll be helping monitor and control predators that threaten native wildlife as well as working towards a Predator Free 2050 is a cause close to our hearts at Kiwicare.
Our team in action
Our first volunteer session kicked off on the 1st of March with great success. The weather was great and our team came away from the volunteer session invigorated and inspired.
Click on the images in the gallery below to get a better idea of what we've been getting up to.

Our team hearing from local conservationists on the challenges NZ's biodiversity is facing, the local issues they're up against and how we can all make a difference.

The team heading out to the beautiful Puhinui Stream to get stuck into making our place a better place and preserving NZ's biodiversity.

Rodent detector cards are a safe, non-toxic way to track rodent and predator activity in an area #PredatorControl #saveourbirdsong

It's important to place detector cards in places that are easy for rodents and other predators to access #PredatorControl #saveourbirdsong

Trap tunnels have been set up and put in place to catch and kill predators that are wiping out our native birds. Every year NZ loses 25 million native birds to introduced predators like rats, mice and possums! #PredatorControl #saveourbirdsong

We are super proud to have developed products like Weed Weapon Invade Gel, that are actively being used by conservationist to control invasive weeds and protect NZ's native bush. #WeedControl

Many woody weeds, vines and tree saplings smother native NZ plants throwing out the balance of our ecosystem. It's best to treat them when young, or whenever you come across a problem #WeedControl
Images 1, 2 & 3: Show the set up of rodent detector cards and trap tunnels which will allow the local team to monitor rodent populations and help reduce rodent numbers, which will ultimately help protect our native birds from predation. Did you know that on average 60,000 native birds are killed each night by predators like rates, mice, possums and stoats?
Images 4 & 5: Show our team using our famous Weed Weapon Invade Gel, to control invasive vines and tree saplings that are smothering our native bush and throwing our ecological balance off course.
Image 5: Is a shot of our team heading down to Puhinui Stream in Auckland to get stuck in with making our place a better place and helping to preserve NZ's Biodiversity.
As the month goes on we’ll be providing updates of what we’ve been getting up to – so stay tuned for details.